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Louisiana Laboratory for Rock Magnetism & Tectonics


The lab evolved from humble beginning with just a Kappabridge susceptometer and a few Bartington probes to a decent rock magnetism and paleomagnetism research facility. The first major addition was a new Vibrating Sample Magnetometer acquired with funds from the NSF (award # EAR-0521558). As time passed, I was able to add new capabilities both in sample preparation and recently with a dynamic shield to perform demagnetization experiments. See below for details:

Kappabridge KLY4-S

Low-field instrumentation


•Kappabridge KLY4-S

•Kappabridge KLY3-S

•Bartington MS2 with all probes (2)

•Bartington MS3 with all probes

•SM30 portable susceptometer

•KT9 portable susceptometer

•SM30 portable susceptometer


Vibrating Sample Magnetometer

High-field instrumentation


•Vibrating sample magnetometer, Princeton Magnetic Measurement, 3900-04 fields up to 2.3 T, room temperature

•Impulse magnetizers, ASCScientific 10-30, up to 3 T


Dynamically shielded room

Paleomagnetic instrumentation


•MMFLC shielded room, 2.5 m

•Agico Spinner magnetometer, JR-6

•Dtech 2000 AF demagnetizer

•Agico LDA AF demagnetizer

•Molspin portable spinner magnetometer

•ASCScientific TD48 thermal demagnetizer


Diamond wire saw

Other instrumentation


•GM08 Hirst GM08 portable Hall probe (magnetometer)

•Geometrics G-856 proton precession magnetometer

•Gas and electric portable drills

•MTI STX202A diamond wire saw

•Muffle furnace, up to 1050ºC

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